Chrono-5 Shoes
You guys want boots right? We got 4 styles! Persona Black, we also have Barbie Pink, Balenciaga White, and Wicky D's colorway (Wc)! Buy them now at your local shoe store!
Product provided by OBL Industries.
WARNING: This product may contain slight hazardous materials, interdimensional travel, burning sensations on the feet, a little pinch at the back of the heel, and unimaginable swag.
Note: OBL is not responsible for any of these apparel disasters.
You can get this cheaper on payhip....right?
- Highly Optimized (5,896 tris total for both boots together)
- 2K textures handmade (assisted by KCTheKhaotic)
- Only 2 materials
- Rigged and weightpainted to ZinFit base (Flat Foot Female)
- A boot to the head
swag intensifies
Special shoutout to KCTheKhaotic for the texture work because I have no clue how to work Substance Painter
Render by KCTheKhaotic
if you rip you die
on a more serious note:
- Do not leak, rip, share, or redistribute my products to anyone
- Do not use my work for discriminatory actions, hate speech, politics, NFT's, harmful imagery, etc.
- Do not resell this product or any of its parts
- Do not asset mine, only those who bought my products are allowed to reuse at their own discretion
- Do not price split any of my works, the license key is good for only one user
- Do not claim any of my works as your own
- Credit me if you use my asset (Ex: Hat by Mr.Sujihiki + link to asset)
- My assets CAN be used for private/commercial models. It CANNOT be used on free/public/nitro models.
2 sales
get a thing
Yes, 2K PBR
135 MB
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